A moment in time

By Skyegirl


I am told by Blip Central that today I celebrate my 13th Blip birthday.   Wow!

I thought about what to load, and decided that this photograph of thirteen of my stones represents the diversity of Blip, collected from all around the world, from Iceland, Canada, Crete, as well as many from the tops of mountains.

Blip is a diverse group of people, starting from a simple idea in Edinburgh quite a few years ago now, and moving on to a world wide website which caters for all ages, abilities, creeds, colours and races, as far as I can ascertain.  And long may it be!  Our mantra is being kind, and it certainly seems to work as Blip is quite unique in its set up.

I am proud to be represented here, and that I have now achieved 13 years with no passes!

Thanks so much to the organisers who give so much of their time to ensure our pleasure and joy!

We were down at Rouken Glen this afternoon after delivering the birthday gift, so I have uploaded some extras.  The Canada Geese were chilling with their little family!

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