
By mambo

Through a Window

My friend B kindly gave Elaine and l a lift into Ilkley , all three of us were marshals at the trail race which has been named after Mr P.
We went over the tops and so l could take my blip as for once l was in the passenger seat.
It was raining as we approached but l am pleased to say it soon stopped and we have had fine weather since.
You can still see the faint markings on the road of when the Tour of Yorkshire ended one of the stages here a few years ago.
The race was well organised and l enjoyed my role very much.
Good to see some of Mr P’s friends and lots of people he coached over the years.
The road race named after him will be in two weeks time.
Went to Outside the Box for lunch afterwards with Rebecca an family ( they were marshals too) 
Now home and sat in the conservatory.
Oh and an extra of my garden this morning through the window.

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