
By Veronica

Blowing in the wind

Too much excitement on Saturday resulted in no blip yesterday, but I did spend time processing my photos of the castellers. We'd stopped at a roadside fruit stall on the way to TickyTocky's, as we always do when driving that way, so I made some cherry compote (45 minute cherry pitting session required)  and an apricot clafoutis with half the apricots we bought. I thought the latter would last us a few days, but we went round to Sue's in the late afternoon to see how she was, and she spontaneously invited us to a barbecue with her visiting daughter and British friends. So I popped home to fetch a bottle of wine and the remaining clafoutis, and it all got eaten. No photos were taken all day!

A lazier day today, although we've decided it's officially summer and moved the furniture in the living room around so that the sofas are by the windows. Changing and washing of seat covers to follow ... I had a quick blip walk but it's overcast and windy so this is all I have. You can see that recent rain has resulted in lush greenery.

This evening we've chilled with a drink and some slivers of quickly sauteed duck breast left over from yesterday (also appreciated by Mystère, who doesn't have much of an appetite these days).

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