Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The sailors

This morning Gavin, Adam and Anna went sailing on the morning tide. Poor Tommy was not feeling well, he has a rotten cold which has been going round at his work and it seems to be spreading amongst all the staff, so he did not join them. I went for a run on the new boardwalk, this time Xena was keen to join me so we had a good run together. She is so good she just trots at my heel as I run, its very slow for her but she doesn't seem to mind!
When I finished my run I went down to the harbour and met the sailors as they got off the boat, which is when I took this photo.

After everyone was back and we had breakfast, the youngsters went to a nearby gym (Tommy will NEVER miss gym not matter if he is ill or not) and Gavin and I took Xena for a walk, a photo of her in the extras as she was bounding along in the long grass where there is lots of pretty red clover growing.

We made a BBQ for lunch which was delicious, and then we started tidying up and cleaning. I can use a cleaning service at the house but I prefer to do it myself as it is quicker and I think better! We left in the late afternoon, and despite all the driving on the weekend it was a most enjoyable weekend.

Now we are home, unpacked and I will relax and rather catch up with journals tomorrow.

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