
By Ridgeback13


Felt slightly discombobulated today…probably comes from having been away from home for so long. Had a JS catch up meeting online first thing, then I dashed into town to meet up with the Hs….many of whom ran in the marathon yesterday (despite injuries and awful rain). I’d suggested meeting in Loudons on Fountainbridge but the place was packed and we set off to find somewhere else through absolutely bucketing rain. Managed to get sorted in LoveCrumbs, and chatted and caught up after a long time of not seeing each other.
I then ran over to EFI to meet GJ who wanted to show me round as he’s retiring this week. Interesting narrative on the development of the place…but always good to be reminded of it. I liked this before and after picture of one of the staircases. it was something of a whirlwind walk round and then I went back to my flat and had lunch/opened post/watered the plants and generally reminded myself of the old place. There’s a lot of washing to be done of bedding from the Siena swap people….but I’ll do that once I’m back properly.
I was feeling tired and a bit dislocated but decided to go to some of the garden centres on the way back to A&N’s since I want to pot up a couple of hanging baskets for them and some new window boxes for my flat. Not the best choice of plants though, so I’ll probably have to go to Kelso after all tomorrow.
Got to their place and hung up the washing I’d done and put another load on then had a cuppa and a bit of a doze in the armchair. At least the rain had finally stopped but my feet are still wet from this morning,
I think I need to get some lists written….

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