By greengirl

Up there

Everyone was having a relaxing day at the house today, but I still wanted to do that hill walk we had missed out on. So after breakfast, Jess and I set off in the car to Glenmore.

We took a path through beautiful forest to the Green Lochan (An Lochan Uaine) Then on to Ryovan Bothy and up the Corbett Meall a’ Buchaille. I was taking a photo of Jess on the summit when a young man offered to take a photo of both of us, so here it is.

I could have stayed up in the hills all day long, but bad weather was forecast, (it never arrived) so we walked back down.

Luke and Maria left this evening but we will see them again very soon. Sarah and Chris managed a short walk with D and me up into the woods. They are already planning our accommodation for next year’s 100 (in Suffolk). Happy days :-)

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