Roly's Life

By Roly


An extremely productive day. Tip first thing to get rid of half a wardrobe and a train track board followed by charity shop to deliver a box of books handed on to us.

Picked up Princess & Smallest then hit Trago for paint, bed frames and plant pots.

Painting started on Smallest’s room -we’re ‘only’ doing 2 walls although the 2 existing white walls needed a lot of hole filling and touching up!

A slight catastrophe did occur as can be seen in the blip but it will be hidden under the new bed so we’re ignoring it!! Unless anyone has top tips further removing blue emulsion paint from a beige carpet…

A trip next door for an indoor BBQ then back to finish off the final coat and create a bedroom that Smallest can sleep in tonight. Oh and MrRoly set off for Norway for a 1 day meeting (in my car as he has picked up a puncture today) . I’m sure this happened in Feb half term as well.

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