The Pensioner

By Pensioner

A sail to Fife

Out of the house at 7:30 I did creep. Goodbye slumberers. Hardly a breath of wind but when I met Rog on the pontoon we noticed that the flag on Graygirl was lightly fluttering. It was enough. Off we set. Soon the bacon was sizzling in the pan and the kettle boiling for cups of tea.
No great rush. At 2pm we pushed along with the engine for an hour and then back to sail the last couple of miles into Elie. And we saw a whale! A minky we thought (later corroborated by spotters on Forth Marine Mammals).
We’d watched showers envelope the land to the south and west but it was only when we tied up that the weather caught up with us. Quick! I see a pub. But only a swifty. Rog wanted to try another pub y’see, along at Earlsferry.
Back to check those lines on the dropping tide, and chat awhile to the rowers before getting the shepherds pie in the oven. Fifty minutes!? Wish we’d just brought pot noodles. Still, we had prawn cocktails to start and cheesecake for afters so it wasn’t all bad. And so to bed.

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