I am camera

By Martinski

Yellow Roses

It’s been an eventful day. My last counselling session. The counsellor says she thinks she will be able to cope on her own now which is good. Then I needed to post an important item First Class. There was a huge queue in the PO, so naturally I chose the machine. The machine didn’t like the postcode I’d put in so I stormed out in the huff. I went to the Co-op to see if they sold stamps. Another line of folk and a harassed operative so I gave up. Then I remembered that I had some surplus Christmas stamps which must still be legal. I stuck two of them on my envelope. That should do it, I thought. After all this I fancied a wee refreshment but the town was hoaching with lost looking tourists, and since it was around one, I realised that the chances of finding a vacant table in a quiet pub were zilch. So I boggered off home.
On the way back I saw these yellow roses. Here is Ry Cooder with his Hawaiin guitar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74Yen67dvx0

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