One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

The no longer simple pleasure

of eating an orange. 
I can't quite remember the last time I ate an orange with such an uncomplicated taste of orange. 
This one was the most perfect orange. 
Each segment packed full with taut little juicy bags bursting with sweet flavoursome juice.

In this day and age when fruit is picked before it got a chance to ripen, is choked in airtight plastic wrapping, , refrigerated and sent by cargo plane to another continent and another season, it is a refreshing change to eat a fruit that tastes exactly as it should.

I took a minute to savour the moment. 

This was heaven.

The cat nonchalantly came round to see what the fuss was all about, took a brief sniff and immediately begged to differ. This was not heaven and I was definitely a moron. 

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