Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Yellow-faced Bumble Bee

I arrived in Portland last night in time for dinner and a good visit with my parents before I crashed and slept.  This morning after breakfast, we headed to a favorite spot south of here, Jackson Bottoms Wetlands, for a lovely walk.  We were serenaded by birds and eventually it warmed enough for some pollinators to show themselves including this new (for me) species.  Latin name Bombus vosneskenskii for those who are interested.  I saw another new species, the Black-tailed Bumble Bee, which you can see in Extra.  In addition we saw/heard 31 species of birds and saw all kinds of beautiful wild flowers.  A most enjoyable morning, followed by lunch at Starbucks.

It's raining now so we are tucked in at the condo and I suspect a nap may happen, at least for me.  

Hubs, Jax and the cats are holding down the fort at home and all is well.  


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