..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Haig Pit

After a day indoors spent painting I was hoping there would be some light this evening at sunset, you never can tell. 
It was good to get hands back on my camera after a week on holiday with my phone only. I prefer using the EVF on camera to the display on the phone, I find getting a composition easier with the EVF.
I headed out with some optimism but it wasn't to be, it was one of those evenings when a bank of cloud  comes up from horizon and dash any sort of sunset.
A walk along the coast path always provides options and tonight the massive winding gear of Haig Colliery looked ominous against the dark sky.  The Haig pit opened in 1916 and closed in 1986, the last deep mine in Cumbria. It was a dangerous place to work, the seams went out under the Irish Sea and suffered from Fire-Damp incursion (Methane). There were numerous accidents and explosions over the years. 79 men died. 14 of those were never recovered as the area had to be sealed off due to fires.
Tough men in hard times.

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