Craig's Journal

By CraigD

Grey Heron

There were 7 Heron today. The little female (pictured), the original young one, the adult male and Jekyll were the ones I recognised. The male with the dark patch may have been there but his dark patch has been getting lighter so I am not sure. They all had a good feed.
The coot (it is the smaller of the two so I assume it is the female) was waiting on the path for me (extra). She walked towards me then led me to the chicks who were with the male at the edge of the loch by the clearing. I fed them both several tiimes and waited for them to pop their head up for more (extra 2). I never fail to be amazed at how clever and trusting  all these birds are.  There were 2 crows.
There really can't be many better ways to start your day.

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