Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Teleporting seahorse

Woke up late today after good nights sleep despite the people downstairs trying their best to keep us awake all night.

J went to the gym while I sorted out the ESTA forms for our holiday, put up some pictures it the kitchen, waterproofed my jacket, got some stuff ordered on Amazon and found the left over holiday money.
I like having bags that you can look in and find a bit of money, bit like finding a fiver in your jeans, this time it was $300 in a bum bag. :-)

Did the ironing and then watched the GP. No too bad a race but I did have Nico in the sweep at work so that wasn't good.

Went out to try to find some more sunglasses. Got it short listed to three I think but I can't find one pair in Edinburgh to try on. The hunt will go on.

Had to and started to watch the tennis we recorded. With dinner I had this nice bottle of Teleporter, which was very nice, and J christened the new seahorse bottle opener she got from Anthropology yesterday.

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