
By isbi

Gardener's Delight

When a new greenhouse appeared in the valley a couple of years ago Mr isbi commented on how it was at least 10 times the size of ours.
But then they built one very much larger again next to it. It must be at least 70 or 80 metres long.

I've been meaning to blip it for a while and decided today was the day for Bob's wide challenge of "shape", so I was unimpressed to find the "small" one is in the process of being taken down. Fortunately there is still enough standing to give you the idea. Note the vehicles next to it to give an idea of scale.

The greenhouse is owned by the fine dining restaurant, Lot 101, in the valley. At $185 pp plus paired wines at $115 pp it is unlikely we will be going anytime soon. But I'm interested to note, on looking at the link, the prices have recently dropped!
As for the theme I'm not sure what shape a greenhouse officially is but hopefully a more mathematically inclined blipper can enlighten us.

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