
By suehutton

Gill's Peonies

Guess what!  It rained - again.

We hadn't seen Gill and Geoffrey since the new year so were pleased to accept Gill's invitation to visit and have afternoon tea. She was pleased with the Barra gin we brought her.

They had been on a cruise along the west Atlantic coast in February stopping off at Madeira, the Canary Islands, Casablanca, Senegal, the Gambia and Cape Verde Islands en route.

Geoffrey collates all his photos into books so that it's easy to follow their voyage. Seeing the photos in order persuaded me that I don't really want to go on a cruise. It's not really travelling, just sight seeing. Casablanca may be worth a visit if we ever get back to Morocco.

The first thing I noticed when I entered their living room was the sight and scent of these marvellous peonies which had grown in Gill's garden. She bemoaned the fact that her hedges and trees were full of active birds' nests so she couldn't trim the foliage back.

After a delicious tea and a very tasty Ceylon cuppa, we got back just after 7 pm to give Basil his Cardisure. By then, the rain had stopped. But the path around Charnwood Water round the back is atrociously muddy.

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