
By HareBrain

Raindrops on Roses .....

Whiskers on Kittens ......  etc.

Up early this morning to have our covid jabs and then I did a bit of shopping in town, it's our weekly market day so I had a good browse at all the stalls there today - but sadly not half as many as there used to be.  The weather probably put them off as we've had non stop heavy showers all day until about 4pm.

Between the showers Mr HB got to strim and mow the last stretch of long, long grass where the Daffs and Bluebells were and I continued with the edging, also gave the Rose a handful of Epsom Salts which I saw in the chemist this morning. 

Later I  went to see 'Matilda' in her storage, gave her a deep clean with a stiff brush and pan, took the covers off the bedding, to take home to wash and cleaned out the fridge.  Did a storage cupboard recce to see what dry ingredients I need to replenish before we're off on our travels again in early June up to the Lake District and then on to Northumberland.  Hoping to see the Puffins again when we take a boat trip over to the Farne Islands.  This trip is my big Birthday present, chosen by me,  organised by me, and kindly paid for by Mr HB - what a star!

Effects of the Moderna Covid jab so far :  just a sore arm.

More raindrops in Extra*

* Can't remember the name of the plant

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