
By Bom

A Bargain

I was in B&Q the other week and picked up a nice blue tub complete with these lovely violas half price for £9, what a bargain and they're lovely and cheery in this awful weather. Rain showers again today, but I drove into town this morning for a loaf and to drop another bag off at the charity shop. The charity shop I use, Break, works across East Anglia making life better for young people on the edge of care, in care and leaving care, which I think is a very worthwhile cause. They give donors a refence no and card and we are notified every few months of the monies raised from our donations net of commission and VAT and with gift aid added, plus they've now introduced an app with that info on too. I was never sure in the past whether charity shops made much from selling my donations, but it surprisingly adds up. So far this year they've raised £422 from them, and nearly £3k since I got a card sometime in 2019, and obviously it's meant a lot of things have not yet gone to landfill. I bet jigsaws are really good for them, I wonder how many times a jigsaw is completed before it ends up in landfill and how much money they raise for charities.  I read recently that the charity sector is struggling as donations are down due to the cost of living issues and people selling things online for their own needs. This afternoon I potted a few tubs up with geraniums. Mostly I've been keeping off my ankle that I twisted yesterday and resting up - good job the tennis has been on and the French Open now has two courts with a roof!

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