Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

Iris in the rain

Blipped on one of my excursions today, of which there were three, so a busy day by my standards. Firstly I went to the Cameo to see a screening from the Royal Opera House of the ballet of The Winter's Tale, which was excellent. I'm not really in touch with these things, but it seems to be a modern classic, this being its tenth anniversary and it's already had at least one previous revival. I know the play reasonably well as it's one of the Shakespeares that I did for A level (a long, long time ago, but it has stuck!) but I was wondering how it would come over as a ballet as it's quite a complicated story, but it did work.

Later I had a doctor's appointment and then lastly I went to my crochet class where we learned how to change colour and how to turn a circle into a square which was great as we are much closer to actually making something. I've got an extra of what we were making. You probably won't be that impressed, but I felt we had reached a milestone.

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