This is the day

By wrencottage

A welcome walk

We’ve both been incredibly tired after all the busyness of the past few days. We had a much-needed early night last night, and slept for over nine hours, which was very welcome. 

I spent the morning doing housework; stripping our bed, laundering the sheets and also doing some vacuuming. Once all that was done we went out after lunch for the first walk we’ve been able to attempt for quite some time. 

Smithers is really struggling with walking these days. His congenital spine curvature was exacerbated by his enforced spells in hospital when he had to lie on his back (which he normally can’t do). This is making it difficult for him to straighten up when walking, and is causing him a lot of pain in his neck and shoulders. It’s an uphill walk from our house to reach the flat footpath on The Green, and he found it very painful to try and lift his head as he walked up the hill. I didn’t think he was going to make it up to the path. However, after a few rests, we got there and had a gentle walk around the neighbourhood.

When we returned twenty minutes later to the top of our road, Smithers was tired and needed to make his way home but I continued walking around for a bit longer, picking up the pace in between photo stops in order to give me a bit more exercise. 

So now I’m happy to be able to post a photo that for once wasn’t taken either in our house or our garden. It’s yet another shot looking across The Green to our church.

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