
By nicky

Car park

My car has been making a few odd noises over the last couple of days but intermittently. Tonight on the way home it was more persistent so I decided it probably wasn’t safe to drive home and I needed to call out the RAC. Luckily I was near an Asda car park so I pulled up and made the call (or rather filled in the web form. They then phoned me straight back so I’m not sure why they make you go through the web form, but anyway…).

Almost four hours later, the truck arrived! At least I had the Asda toilets to visit in the meantime, and somewhere to buy some food and drink (I ended up at MacDonalds for my “dinner” because I could sit in there as a change from the car). I was lucky I wasn’t anywhere isolated or dangerous, with lots of people around, but I’m sure that was partly why I had to wait so long. The photo was because I was trying to read the parking enforcement notice which is pinned up so high that it’s hard to read.

Anyway, the truck came, and of course the noise had gone when I tried driving, but he could see one of my rear brakes had worn right down. Don’t understand how that happened - I have it serviced annually and there was no mention of brakes at the last service. Anyway, he said I was ok to drive back to a local garage so I drove home and will take it there in the morning.

Cars, eh! This one is betting a bit long in the tooth so I really need to think about replacing it this year. It just feels such a big decision as to what to choose so I keep putting it off.

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