
This is a lovely, low maintenance plant that survived the departure of Jeni & the neglect-lite since. I forget to water it sometimes but it's hard as fuck (Probably why Jeni left it). It's been in David's room for most of the time but I had to move it out as it was getting too big for the mantel piece. So, I need to re-pot it. However, I have no idea what's the best way to do shit like that.

I will find out.

Anyway, today I had a hangover, I felt good though and, having contacted a few folk I decided to strike out on my own and do some cycling. Went down to Gypsie Brae (after Granton, before Silverknowes & Crammond) and had a go of the new mountain bike track there. Just finished this year. I enjoyed it but by this time all the exercise & extreme (for a Scotsman) heat had brought on the hangover headache with an excruciating throb, throb, throb...

Cycled home.
Watched the final couple episodes of 4th Series Arrested Development.
Paul called, which had previously been discussed.
Shower (second of the day).
Walked down to Teuchters.
A lovely couple Sambucas sorted me out and I was back in the swing.

Paul is a great guy, good pal. And we seem to have come to a point where we both have been able to digest our lives to an extent and talk about things that were perhaps too painful to talk about back in the day.

Went to the offy, beer.
Banana Flats (phenomenal balcony he has)
Few schmokes
Walked to mines
Few more schmokes and a viewing of Baraka, a truly mind blowing film that I have my other Paul-benamed pal to thank for introducing me to.

Excellent, excellent night.

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