Carolina's journal

By Carolina


I was trying to find some pictures of Shape and patterns.   I liked the back lighting in this one. I will tag this one for WW and thanks to Bob for hosting!!  
     I took a walk around the block with Joe today and then came in for a nap.  Not all the way better  but I felt a whole lot better this morning.  Hopefully in the next few days it will continue to get better.  You know how it is... We are always to busy to be sick!   We did get sunbreaks today of which we were very grateful!! Our poor plants need sunshine!!!
  thanks for stopping by and I'll get to journals after posting results for the MM challenge of looking through a window!   some great ones! 
   Results are in, and as always, some tough choices.    The first 5 are according to first to last page because I couldn't quite come to a firm decision on 1-5.  
   DCred   loved the quality and crispness of the shot
  Gasman  amazing view out the portcullis (like that's so common!)
  60plus   loved the old broken window and view through it.
  chrisf   what a cool window and love the girl nestled in there reading
  SueMiddleton  a killer old window and bunny!

The last 5 and some great captures. 
KangaZu  couldn't pass up this smile!
sandyshore  and outside the box idea. 
KeenKen  very cool like an overlay. 
howesruth  loved one old VW to the next in the old garage
Fruechie   I liked all the various layers that were captured.

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