The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


Brrrr…it’s been freezing today, that’ll teach me for turning off the central heating before May is oot!

The usual Zumba, cuppa and walk along the prom this morning. I also managed to secure a ticket to see Michael Palin at the Maltings in August…his first show was a sell out within an hour last week so they’ve persuaded him to stay and do a matinee the following day. The tickets for this didn’t last long either.

Phoned the pharmacy this afternoon as the brand of one of my BP pills has changed and it’s causing all sorts of side effects, they were very helpful and have put a request on the system that I only be given the other brand…hopefully that will work! Off out to walking group tonight but I’ll definitely be wearing my winter coat again!

I was stuck for something to blip today until I spotted the cricket set I’d bought for the wee man lying on the dining table. Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

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