
By intothehills


Of grey this morning, of wonder this afternoon. 

Started the day with an estate law specialist. I like D. He spent nearly 20 years as a trade union shop steward, but developed a fascination with the law and eventually retrained in later life. He's a hill walker and also smiles a lot.

Truth be told, if my distant genetic family had been nicer, hell, even just pleasant... If they'd not attempted to bully, accuse and insinuate, weren't weighed down by their expectations of a free handout via my grandparents passing then in reality I'd probably have collected in the assets, sold the land we've inherited and sent them their share without much thought. 
I've been around the block a few times, I don't like bullies and I've oh so sadly acquired a better understanding than most of the complexities of the law.

This morning D explained to me how the UK estate might need to settle Australian debts, how none of my (genetic) siblings have proven their identities, none have made any attempt to resolve the Australian estate (assets or debts) and, unsurprisingly, he thinks it could take years to resolve. A massive bullet (liability) avoided. 
As I said, I like D, so I signed the mandate, transferred the cash estate balance and told him to go to work - I guess most of their 'inheritance' will now disappear in fees. Shame. Not. *

Later I went for a wander on the Scar and let nature work it's magic. 

*Non of them ever, not once visited our grandparents, came to either funeral, sent flowers, a card, anything. I adored my grandparents, and fortunately they adored me and made a wholly separate provision for me when I was still a toddler (even if I only found out about it a couple of years ago). 

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