Happy Moments

By ApolloFly

A faffing day

I always like looking at the Abstract Thursday images and always wish I had the inspiration to come up with something suitable, so with it being rainy on and off all day, I have given it a go. Thank you to Ingeborg for hosting this challenge.

I would imagine you can work out what they started off as?
We keep them in the drinks (tea/coffee/mugs) cupboard. Hubby likes a ‘beef broth’ drink every now and again. When I was getting my teabag out to make a brew before my video call with Nicoiseannie at lunch time, I realised I hadn’t emptied the box of cubes into their container, tut tut, so that was remedied while the kettle boiled.

We had a good chat for an hour, both of us fed up with the weather at the moment, and the fact it’s like this all over the country does nothing to help us feel better!! Dog walking in the rain is fine every now and again, but every time I put my fleece in the wardrobe, I have to get it out again a few days later.

There, I feel much better now.

Edit, the quality of the image is not good, after I put it through Snapseed, then GoArt, then goodness know what other app… ah well.

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