
By Winsford

Late bloomer

This refers to the rhododendron in the back garden which always a good couple of weeks behind those in the front garden. 

I was also late in getting starting, lingering in bed finishing Columba's Bones by David Greig so I could take it back to the library. I quite enjoyed it - although some parts were very grisly but it had some  funny moments and some touching moments. 

Once up I got carried away and made three lots of soup and cheese scones as well as putting the bread maker on. I hadn't made scones for a while but scone making came up in my Gaelic class last night ("Am bu toil leat sgonaichean  a dheanamh ?"  to which I have clearly answered "Bu toil" ). They went well with the roasted red pepper soup I'd made for lunch. 

After lunch I went to the library and then studied some step dancing videos (as you do) - I'm trying to get back into to practicing and wanted to note down the sequences which the teacher taught us.  Progress, albeit slow, is being made. 

It's been a quiet but productive day - the next few will be a bit busier but not overly so. 

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