
By ruthie1

Eas Mor

Today started miserably! The rain was torrential, we had to pack up camp, which is always awful in the rain. Andrew had decided he’d had enough before we even got anywhere! I had known today’s forecast was bad all along so had prepared for it. We would go to Brodick castle for a visit & then maybe a cafe or something, a bit of shopping to kill some time and the rain was due to ease off by the late afternoon. Andrew wasn’t so keen and found it hard to get on board. The castle was ok for a bit but we couldn’t even visit the impressive garden or adventure playground it was so wet!

I decided to go with plan B & go on the hunt for this waterfall. I had read about it & it seemed relatively easy to get to. Andrew clearly needed some time to get his head sorted so I took the kids off for an adventure through the woods. It was well worth the visit! Quite atmospheric with the low cloud and, by now, the rain wasn’t bad. The highlight though, had to be the little ‘library’ in the woods with 100’s of thousands of pictures, messages, quotes etc. all over the walls & ceilings! (Extra) Anya & Max added their own whilst I just enjoyed reading others. So many positive messages, touching memorials to loved ones, drawings & just an eclectic mix of all sorts. It was quite magical & something I think we’ll all remember.

The rain passed & we stopped at a hotel in Lamlash for dinner before going to find a spot to stay by the beach for the night. Unfortunately there was no breeze & the midges were unbearable! So we were trapped in the van, hardly able to move for stuff & with damp coats etc. in the way. This is when vanlife isn’t so fun!

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