
By mambo

Odd Jobs

A day at home sorting out lots of fiddly jobs that l have been putting off.
The main one was setting up a houseplant hospital in the kitchen.
Changed the soil of things in pots that grow in the house.
Then changed all the coir fibre in my orchids and gave everything a good feed .
Took some cuttings to start new plants.
Tidied out the conservatory , looks a lot better now.

Then did some the yearly job l dread: weeding between the block paving.
Done about a fifth of what needs doing but glad l made a start.
I refuse to put down weed killer so this year l’m trying distilled vinegar down the cracks, will let you know what l think.
Out to post a parcel for Vinted before going on to do some shopping for some essentials at Aldi first then Waitrose.
Sat in the garden with a coffee and enjoying how lovely it’s all looking at the moment.

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