
By fennerpearson

Kowloon and Baby Bao

To be honest, I don't remember going to Kowloon - "the mainland" - very often. We'd pass through it on our way to the bank's junk at Hebe Haven harbour, but I think that was about it, apart from some very occasional trips to the shopping centre called Ocean Terminal. And yet I remember going on the Star Ferry quite often. I can't quite work it out.

Anyway, we started our day at The Coffee Academics, as per my first Extra, and then we walked down to the piers as we did yesterday morning, but this time to catch a Star Ferry across to Kowloon. You see photos of them everywhere so I've opted for an interior shot for my second Extra. (I've also photographed the 'Morning Star', which I think was in service when we were there!)

We found Ocean Terminal easily enough - it's right there when you get off the ferry - and we went inside and found somewhere to have a coffee, before taking a stroll around the shops. 

After that, we walked around Kowloon, visiting a few old buildings including the Time Ball Tower, where a large ball was dropped at 1pm every day so that the ships nearby (well, within eyeshot) could set their clocks. 

There wasn't much else that immediately caught our interest so we retired to an Irish Bar for a couple of pints of Guinness and a bite to eat, and then followed that with a nice German bar that the Minx discovered. All in all it made for a relaxing and convivial afternoon. 

On returning to the island, Wol decided to take a break while the Minx and I went a great little bar called Sophia [sic] Loren and sat on the second storey terrace, reading our books and looking out over the park opposite.

Later on, we took a tram into Central and met up with Wol in a restaurant called Baby Bao, where the food was terrific. All in all, a nice relaxing day :-)

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