
By davidc

Flower Friday

On Tuesday we had the first of our camera club "Summer School" sessions where one of our members took us through all sorts of aspects of her plans and workflow which she follows when she's creating amazing composite flower photos. I'm hoping to copy some of her ideas over the next few weeks for my own flower photos.

However today I've been working on a short presentation which I've been roped into doing next Tuesday at the club. We're having a series of "stations" where members can try different techniques of flower photography, and as I've done some experiments in the past (eg here), standing flowers in front of a computer monitor showing a suitable textured background, I've been "volunteered" to demonstrate this and supervise one of the stations. This technique can't hope to equal the quality of the Photoshop composites we saw on Tuesday but it's a lot quicker!

So this is one of my demonstration results of an Aquilegia from the garden, taken by my technique - therefore I've used it for today's blip - with thanks, as always, to BikerBear for hosting.

Reminder: By my calculation tomorrow is the 400th Saturday since Admirer started tagging her Silly Saturday blips with a numbered tag (SilS1) - previously she'd tagged them as "silme". (I hope I'm right with my calculation but maybe perfect accuracy doesn't matter? - after all it's a silly challenge!)
I'm hosting again this month so please blip something silly, daft or just plain stupid to celebrate this milestone and to give us all a good giggle in Admirer's memory! The tags will be SilSJun2024 and/or SilS400.

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