
By Tryfan46

Out of the tunnel

It was a pig of a day with the weather. Kent was under a stream of cloud, rain and gusty winds all day which prevented me from going to the allotment. So we visited a couple of garden centres instead to supplement plants that failed to germinate while we were away.

We had our house valued this afternoon and were pleasantly surprised by the figure proposed. Whether we will take it any further is unlikely. We feel that after the challenges of the past few years we need a period of time to ourselves rather than embark on the stressful process of selling our house and buying a property which needs a tremendous amount of work doing on it.

It was open mike night at the Chequers at Doddington tonight. We performed six songs, three of which were contemporary and three Irish. Once of which was Bob Geldof’s “The Great Song of Indifference”. I love the YouTube version. We also played “Navigator” by The Pogues.

Big gala day tomorrow and Sunday. May be railway blips to see.

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