
By dreaming

A busy day

The weather was beautiful today, with a high of 68.  So driving up to Edmonds to visit the vascular surgeon wasn't onerous.  My ultrasound showed the fistula to be just fine and my next appointment won't be until October.

I had a 40 minute wait to see the knee person and X-rays plus the bone scan I had in April show that there's nothing wrong with the knee itself.  It must be yet another symptom of my worsening spinal stenosis.  I'm hoping the epidural steroid injection on Friday will take care of that.

Then I had a long conversation with cousin Sharon, with whom I've been out of touch for a while.  We used to be very close -- in early blips I talked about visits with her - but politics finally just became too distancing.  She watches Fox news regularly and holds some unfortunate right-wing views for such a very intelligent woman.  But I called her and we talked for half an hour, catching up on all the family and health things that had been happening.  She will be 87 in November and she has decided to sell her house and move to assisted living near her daughter in Ohio.  I'm very glad to know that.  All of her children and grandchildren have promised to make trips to Los Gatos to help her pack for the move.  Sharon is a warm, endearing person whom people are drawn to; she'll have no trouble finding friends in the assisted living home.  I was so glad that I initiated contact and we connected again.

And then I went to Safeway and spent my May Fresh Bucks at the last possible moment.  Friday evening is not a great time to shop for produce, but I used up all my Bucks and will have lots of cut-up fruit to bring along for Sunday dinner.

These tiny white flowers were planted among rocks in one of the terrace gardens.

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