
By EverydayMagic

Yellow iris

I love the soft yellow of these irises. The darkening garden made a good contrast with the soft yellow of the petals as the sun was going down this evening.

And I'm going to share this lovely poem, which a fellow photographer posted the other day, accompanying his own photograph of a yellow iris (which is better than mine).

Yellow Iris by Alice Oswald
It's early morning
and a woman
from a previous
world is wading
up the stream.
Very stately and
sturdy with double-
jointed elbows she's
still in her
grave clothes,
her crinkled three-ply
surcoat made of
cloth of June.
She has one
gold-webbed glove,
one withered hand.
She's resting, considering
her next pose,
behind the blades
of slatted blinds.
Her name is
Iris, the Rainbow,
the messenger, the
water's secretary, the
only word she
speaks is 'yellow'.
Lost ghost Queen
of the Unbetween
it's lovely listening
to the burp
of mud as
she sinks her
feet right in.

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