Everyday Life

By Julez

Mono Moggy

It's half time of the rugby, Wigan are beating Warrington 19-12. Both teams are resting people but Warrington are resting more than us. 

I have caught Brian's lurgy and I have a very sore throat, still I'm finding it hard to be quiet whilst watching the game. This game is a warm up for next week's Challenge Cup Final so I am glad it's this week we are ill rather than next. 

I slept in the spare room last night so Brian's amplified snoring didn't keep me awake and my complaining about said snoring didn't keep him awake. 

Minstrel tried to keep me awake as he didn't seem to like the fact that I wasn't where I should be. I had to put him out of the room in the end.

When I got up Minstrel went back in there and slept for several hours, settling back down after I took this.

I have been out to the shop but don't want to go far today, hence the indoor blip.

Brian's cold is no better so I'll probably be in the spare room again tonight.

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