Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Lost in Leeds!


Isn't it the case that when you don't have to work at four year old level any more for a while, fatigue sets in?  We sat in Tibshelf Service Station half way through our journey home and looked at each other exhausted.  It was a jolt to come away first thing as we had been there nearly two weeks and we will miss the early morning snuggles et al.

We decided to combine the journey home with food shopping in Otley, but took the wrong road in Leeds and ended up passing through places we had never been to before in the Centre, and adding to our journey time.  My blip was taken at a traffic light pause whilst we worked out which complex junction we needed to navigate next.

But now we are home.  Our neighbour's wall has fallen down beneath the elder tree; the lovely neighbours who have been feeding the birds have just about avoided being bonked on the head by my squirrel proof feeders and have provided a replacement for the one that fell off the hook; our newly planted marigolds and million bells have been slug ravaged and the blocked downpipe has destroyed my kitchen window box!  However, the iris are out; the mini meadow is flourishing; my Lego present to me has arrived and the house is still standing.

Back in Oxford, Euan has fallen off his new bike but then cycled twelve miles and sent us a photo of him by his chalked message which reads 'I missed you.'  We miss you too Euan xx

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