
By Daenu

Turmhof Steckborn

The Turmhof (Tower Court) in Steckborn was built in 1282 by Albrecht von Ramstein, Abbot of Reichenau Abbey, and is now the town's landmark. As an abbot's residence, the tower was not subject to the town rules; it was free of taxes and customs duties and had the right of asylum, i.e. any criminal or persecuted person who reached the gate, which was always open, was allowed to remain unharmed for six weeks and three days. 

Fortunately, I haven't done anything wrong today, so I haven't sought asylum. In the morning I went to the market and then for a short walk, looking for possible blips. Some impressions in the extras: 

- Coot has set up its nest under water fountain
- The stream through the town is quite full of water
- The constant rain has caused the lake to rise quite a bit, but fortunately no danger for the time being and well below the historical highs
- The lion belongs to the restaurant (unfortunately closed for some time now)

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