The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


………………………..on the kitchen cupboard this morning, I thought it looked like a giant spider! The only photo I’ve taken today.

It’s been a long day, I’d put in an eight hour shift before the wee one was picked up just after lunchtime! He woke about 6.15am sat bolt upright, starting talking and never stopped to take breath for the whole eight hours!! After a quick tidy up behind himself the rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing in the garden until L arrived and we took a late afternoon stroll along the prom…where I got sh*t upon by a seagull!! It’s been a glorious day although a chill breeze developed mid afternoon probably as the tide turned.

Thanks to davidc for hosting Silly Saturday today in memory of admirer…400 weeks since she started the current numbering system.

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