Great Development

Temperature +24, at 21.30 still +20. Sun and clouds, dry. Some wind from the southeast.

In the allotment in the evening. Too short a time, we would loved to be longer. 

In the main picture ther is a germander speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys) growing in the meadow by our plot. I can now see my work of years to get a some kind of meadow has paid dividens. The place is very challenging for that because there is a forest right the next to it making it shadowy and growing much grass and "wrong" strong plants. It can't be made a nice, light, real meadow, but at last there are growing, in addition of grass, also flowers. Of course in addition of my own work I needed physical help of Mr S and my assistant, but I'm very pleased to see I knew what to do with it to get here :)

In Extra you see our gooseberries development. They are amazingly big already, not ripe for a while yet.

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