Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

When You Receive a Lovely Bug Hotel…

… Do they always come equipped with their own bugs?? :-)
I suspect not.
But hey! The package hadn’t been left on its own for too long!
I don’t think (?) they will have multiplied!

We are putting ourselves into all manner of confusion by having ‘Chip Saturday’ instead of ‘Chip Friday’. (Last night was a food disaster, owing to an unexpected but lovely visitor).
(We shall be out of sync all week now!).

Even the wine forecast is all awry.
It’s fizzing tonight. (in a sunshiny garden type of way. Damsel flies are skittering around). What could be nicer?

Counting blessings.
And relaxing. (For the first time in what seems like ages. Having a little Elderly-One -Break. All is covered. No need for guilt. Allegedly).

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