
By ilkkavalkila


Jussi's secondary school graduation ceremony started at 10 am, so we had some time to prepare for the party at home in the morning. Like previous years, Jussi drove to school by tractor on the last day, and was certainly the only one to do that!

After the ceremony (which included handing the diplomas and caps, a few speeches and some music) all the graduates were gathered for a group shot in the lobby (in the extra). Then we took a few shots out in the front and finally Jussi drove the tractor there for a few more.

Back home after fetching cakes from a bakery in time to get ready to receive the guests, who started arriving at about 2 pm. Great time, but really hot out in the tent, which did provide a little shelter from the sun. Almost no wind and +29°C at highest was certainly more than enough. Indoors it was cooler, thanks to the air source heat pump, but when most of the people were in, it started getting too hot there as well.

After the guests left, we took the tent down together with nephew #2, who had been helping with serving the food and drinks. We were afraid it might get wet, if we get a shower, but no such luck, despite thunder and showers around, though not near this time.

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