Saturday stuff
Photo is of one of our deciduous rhododendrons. A lovely colour. It's been very warm today but was overcast till later this afternoon. It felt a bit muggy as if a storm was coming, but none has.
We did the weekly shop - a great way to spend Terry's birthday! We are going out on Monday and leaving the busier weekend to the crowds. On Monday we will probably go to Speke Hall (National Trust) as it's one of our favourite places to visit. We don't always go in the hall as we've seen it a number of times. We like to walk up the path where you can watch the planes coming in to land at the airport next door plus walk through the woodland areas and grounds. sometimes we walk a little way along the coastal path. Terry has not been able to enjoy Speke |Hall for a while due to the hip pain but now he has his new hip he is raring to go.
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