
By TonyG

The Donkeys

At the bottom of the lane at Rhydyronen, outside the cottages, there is a signpost relating the distance to far flung places around the globe and to The Donkeys, 150m up the lane :-)  Tonight Arthur came to the fence to say hello.   I went up to give him a pat on the nose, John held Meg a little further up the lane.  She was not impressed, barking briefly, no doubt to protect me from the scary donkey!   A lovely evening for a walk, at the end of a lovely day.

Earlier I had been taking it easy.   A lie in and a bath killed off a big chunk of the morning.  A brief trip to pick up some bisqued pieces at pottery took longer than planned as two friends were there and we had things to show and ideas to share.  A quiet afternoon at home, much of it actually sitting down planning glaze options for the pieces and watching The Derby.  The horse carrying my pound, yes just £1, crossed the line ahead of all the others ... unfortunately his jockey did not!   

Before tea I strained and bottled this years Elderflower cordial which had been steeping since yesterday.   Another short visit to pottery after tea saw four of the pieces collected earlier return and have their first coat of glaze before I headed out up the valley, arriving at the same time as J, J & J returned from a day out.   You pretty much already know the rest :-)

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