a new year!

By Thesalh70

Historical and a little hysterical

Up early doors. It's gonna be a long day, approx 2 hours work left to do, then mow (and strim first!) the lawn, then clean house top to bottom...blimey I need a husband! Plus throw in a bit of shopping and it all needs to be done by 2pm!...on the hottest day of the year!

Well, am pleased to say mission accomplished!

All done in time to be picked up at 2pm at the start of the Murray v djokovic final. What a blistering hot day for hot. My friend from work miss Morris is fortunate enough to have got final tickets in the ballot and I'm v envious! Still at least we have pimms and a paddling pool to keep us cool! M

Fab food and what a match! He did it! We all got emotional as match point beckoned and when he finally won we erupted with joy!

Home after lovely afternoon and I'm getting that suitcase packed if it kills me!

Never been so organised before! I can even have a good sleep tonight if its not too warm!

Can't wait til this time tomorrow. I'm sat outside now, still warm, at 11pm, and it'll be the same where I am tomorrow.

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