simple moments

By simplemoments



in a

coloring rendition

when clouds are bringing - more storms to the area - and once again are also - wreaking havoc with my - migraine condition; combined it is - not a pretty sight - however rain is always - welcome to prevent fires - at this time of year

i ended up resorting to - my fallback again and picking - a project which had been - waiting to be completed - for quite some time - a colorful peacock which had - proved challenging due - to my eye condition however provided - soothing comfort to my head - go figure how that works - only by the kindness and grace - of a loving abba who knows - and understands the full intricacies - of the very bodies he created

“for you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” psalm 139:13 (esv)

it continues to amaze me - that i find relief via - this medium and i will - press on with utilizing it - knowing it will lead to…


happy day…..

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