
By Marionb

Playing with...

..a free editing  app and trying to figure out if it would be worthy paying for the pro version resulted in this last-minute attempt to rescue the only photo I took all day and make it more interesting...and it didn't really work out that well!  :))

I spent the day doing more productive digging up the evil weed that has taken over my garden and digging holes into which I can plant my new hydrangea and and those unwisely-placed plants that need to be relocated...

When it got too hot to dig, I visited my friend Pat who has been "relocated" too; She recently sold her house and is now ensconced in a new one and ready to accept visitors...It is a lovely spacious home that she will share with her niece and family, and in a lovely neighbourhood.  I was impressed, but in no way did it entice me to sell mine and downsize! I cannot imagine the horrors of moving! Her move was even more complicated than usual as it involved selling two homes and combining the belongings of two households! is amazing that she survived that with her sanity intact! 

Meanwhile, I struggle to maintain my larger-than-I-need house and garden, doing my best to avoid ever having to move! 

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