Jambo journal

By IainC


Up earlyish to fill Alex up with breakfast before we headed to the airport & it was a success - he declined the last piece of toast! The check-in staff had never handled an unaccompanied youngster before but we lucked out with their colleague who knew the ropes. Not a word of German between them though, a bit strange for a Lufthansa desk! No issues however, he’s safely back home and who knows, he may even have learned the odd word or two of English.
Decided to start catching up at the allotment after a lengthy weather and Alex induced absence so spent all afternoon doing lots of wee gardening jobs. One thing I didn’t do was net up the fruit bushes bit I’d better get into that soon or the birds will be feasting. We have seven different berries ripening; I added an extra strawberry pic to the blip for symmetry’s sake.

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