Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Church Flowers

I'm not sure if these are pink in honour of our Rector's baby daughter who was born last Sunday, or if it's just coincidence, but they are beautiful. I don't think I've seen rhododendron in such an arrangement before. We have some very talented people in our congregation.
After the service this morning I spent the afternoon in the veg part of our garden. It's not very big, which means things have to be organised and I think I've finally got there!
I've got the canes up for the beans, which are in two crates, the peas have a wigwam over them and the courgettes have finally made it into their grobag. I've put it on bricks on a tray with copper tape round the edges of the tray in the hope of fending off the slugs. Oh and the tatty sacks are full to the top.
I also got the last of the sweet peas in. I think I potentially may have three pea plants in with the sweet peas..... someone gave them to me and I'm just not convinced... we'll see.
The thyme I bought from Quercus plants is also in a larger pot and the rosemary is definitely rooting too.
After that it was dinner time. We had some rather delicious lightly smoked salmon fillets which I bought in Lidl, I baked them in the oven and made some lemon mayonnaise, very light and tasty .
Somewhere in the day I fitted in a trip to the shops too, not sure when.

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