An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper


Had to work today and the weather was beautiful was already 23 degrees by 1oam!
Unheard of.

Was not looking forward to being stuck indoors all day but thankfully the air con was working and when 2pm rolled around I switched the TV over from MTV to BBC1.....the day was already improving.

I has to keep my ooohs and aaahs slightly more muted than usual but at some points I really wanted to scream haha!

Come 5pm the third set had already started but we had to shut up shop.....what to do???

Instead if heading home I sat on the tube platform for another half hour watching Andy Murray making history ;)

I was shocked no one wanted to watch over my shoulder, instead they were mostly holiday makers rushing back & forth with their luggage.....although a few did stop & look at me when I cheered quietly to myself and stamped my feet!

The last few points were tense but amazing to watch!
I love tennis!
So proud of Andy :)

I hope you all had a lovely day.
And to top it off, while I was watching Andy, a girl from Tony&Guy sort of offered me a free hair cut haha!

Win Win I say ;D

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