Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

An auspicious Date?

       Well, it COULD be.  
Tuesday 2nd Jun 1953 - Coronation of Q E  ll + announcement of "Conquest of Everest" which had, it is said, been held back to coincide with the Coronation.  I dimly remember the School going to the local Flicks to see (Unsure now, of title) "The ascent of Everest."  NOW there seem to be whole Bus queues lined up awaiting their turn on top.
       Also on Friday 2nd June 1978 we made our final trip over from Whitehaven in a DiY removal using a "Luton".  I seem to remember three trips; the third about half full of plants.  Do NOT expect me to list any; it WAY preceded Blip.
      I wear my Axe "24/7/365" except for X-rays &/or Operations.  She also got me a pair of Axe Cuff-links which I'm not sure were ever worn; we didn't go to that many "Dos" requiring them.
       OK They need polishing - guilty as charged./

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